Redesigning the paradigm
The digital ecosystem for AT&T grew as an additive process over the years without strategic consideration for how all the experiences worked together. Rather than creating one-off merchandising experiences, Project Crush was initiated as a North Star exercise on what a unified AT&T digital ecosystem could be.
A digital audit and new merchandising model
The guiding principle for Project Crush was to focus on user intent no matter where he was in his customer journey. From there, a digital strategy could be designed that would inform the product requirements.

Dave, the AT&T customer archetype
Dave's user journey highlights how data cues from his devices allow AT&T to craft an adaptive marketing strategy that offers helpful information, customer service, or contextually relevant promotions .
The new
The first part of Crush is a revamped Using video entertainment featuring celebrities increases engagement times which equates to a higher probability of purchase and recall. In turn, the customer lifetime value should increase.