What's an Igniter?
Research proved that Syfy had television’s most influential audience–Igniters–those who buy, try and socialize products before they become mainstream. The creative team brought Igniters to life for the ad sales community through print ads, out-of-home placements, events, television spots, and digital tactics.

Introducing the Igniter
Trade ads featuring hip young people representative of Igniters were placed in strategic locations in New York, Chicago and LA two weeks prior to the Upfronts.
Learning about the Igniter
Media buyers and industry insiders were invited to the Upront held at the Museum of Natural History to learn about Igniters. The evening included a monologue from Sir Richard Branson describing the value of these consumers, a musical performance from the breakout artist Young the Giant, and dinner prepared by the up-and-coming chef Marcus Samuelsson.
Driving to syfyigniters.com
Who doesn’t love a great selfie with friends? After the Upfront, guests retrieved their photos from the event at syfyigniters.com. While exploring the site, they could learn about real Igniters who watch Syfy, as well as everything else there was to know about the programming for the upcoming year.